Duniart – Photography by Toine IJsseldijk

Photography is like writing memories, it is my way of immersing myself in moments in time and capturing them with my camera. It allows me to relive and sometimes rediscover my most precious moments again and again, as a celebration of life and the natural and cultural beauty of our planet.
I hope you enjoy.
Toine – Yusuf

– trip reports –

visual journeys
Namibia at its best

Namibia & South Africa




– photo galleries –

visual collections
Bromo, Indonesia, Java


Bali, Bungaya, Highlights, Indonesia, Kaleidoscope, Karangasem, ceremony, pendet


Africa, Kavango, Mahango Game Reserve, Namibia

Wildlife & Nature

– photo stories –

visual adventures
The Himba Tribe, Namibia

The Himba Tribe, Namibia

The Himba are an indigenous semi-nomadic people residing primarily in Namibia’s arid Kunene Region, with some communities also found in southern Angola. With a population of approximately 50,000, the Himba are renowned for their resilience, cultural traditions, and distinctive appearance, which have remained largely unchanged despite external influences and modernization.
The Himba Tribe: Otjize

The Himba Tribe: Otjize

The Himba tribe of Namibia, living primarily in the arid Kunene Region, are renowned for their cultural traditions. The use of otjize is standing out as one of their most distinctive practices. Otjize is a paste made from a mixture of butterfat and finely ground red ochre, often infused with…
Tiwah - A Dayak's journey to Heaven

Tiwah - A Dayak's journey to Heaven

In May 2016 I was very fortunate to be able to attend a traditional Dayak Tiwah ceremony, in the small village of Tumbang Manggu, far upstream along the Katingan River in Central Kalimantan. We were guests of one of the village's Dayak elders, a famous player of the Sape, a traditional Dayak…
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